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A Multi-Instrumentalist

When it comes to playing the guitar, Carlos Bono ranks among the very best.

Classical Guitar

Carlos Bono began playing different types of stringed instruments at a young age, adding as many as he could to his performance and recording resume over the years. However, each musician will tell you that when it comes down to it there is that one instrument that they couldn’t live without. For Carlos Bono, that would have to be the classical guitar.

Acoustic Guitar

Electric Guitar

Carlos Bono is known for playing quite a few instruments, including the electric guitar which he uses to play both lead and rhythm guitar. While many other musicians may pick up a second or third instrument for the fun of it, Carlos is extremely dedicated to each instrument he plays. He spends hours learning every possible technique and style each different instrument is able to create.

Electric Guitar

Bass Guitar

When it came to learning how to play the bass electric guitar, Carlos did it all on his own. Having studied for years with various music teachers at the great conservatories of Europe, Carlos felt confident enough with his talent and sense of rhythm to play this instrument professionally in several active rock bands. The results were outstanding and have enabled Carlos to add yet another instrument to his already rich musical resume.

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